September is Hunger Action Month. “According to the USDA, more than 34 million people, including 9 million children, in the United States are food insecure (meaning there is a lack of consistent access to enough food for everyone in the household).”

One of LifePoint’s ministries that serves our community is our Food Pantry. Our food pantry has served an average of 125 individuals per month this year. We want to invite you to partner with us by filling a grocery bag with  the needed items listed on this flyer and returning it to LifePoint. Items can be dropped off at the church on any Sunday in September, at the church office during their regular business hours (M-W 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, Th 8:30 am - 12:00 pm) or on Saturday, September 28, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.

Suggested Items:

12oz or more

Canned Vegetables

Pasta Sauce
12oz or more

Canned fruit

Spaghetti Noodles
Soda Crackers
1 box 4 stacks

Chicken Noodle Soup
10.5 oz

Tomato Soup
10.5 oz

Peanut Butter
16oz Jar

Grape Jelly
Mac & Cheese

Bath Soap

Toilet Paper
(individually wrapped)

Hygine Products


Items we cannot accept:

No cream soups. No glass containers. Please stick to the list of requested items as the Food Pantry has regulations and guidelines to follow. Items that are outside the guidelines or are expiring within 30 days will have to be disposed of.