Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Jesus commissioned his followers to go and share about the life that is found in Him. We want participate in the healing and wholeness of the world around us. One of the ways we do this is through partnering with other believers and ministries that are doing Kingdom work in Goshen and around the world.

Our Local Partners
Elkhart County Jail Ministry
With the help of over 500 volunteers, 100 churches and 23 Assistant Chaplains, the mission of the Elkhart County Jail Ministry is to spend time with the people that Jesus spent time with; sharing the freedom found in Christ with people in chains.
The Post
Our mission at The Post is to provide a safe environment for our youth, challenging them through intentional relationships, opening the door to allow God to reveal their identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Providing life-affirming services. Building Christ-centered families. RETA Pregnancy Clinic & Family Resources is committed to providing free, discreet, non-judgmental services for those facing a pregnancy - planned or unplanned, parenting challenges or regret following an abortion decision.
Our Global Partners
Mark & Kathy Fulton
Haiti - Global Strategy
Mark and Kathy help direct the Church of God hospital in St. Ard, Arcahaie, Haiti. The Hopital L’eglise de Dieu Reformee (Hospital of the Church of God) has a staff of more than 60 indigenous Haitians. The mission of the facility is to join in a healthcare alliance with the people of Haiti to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hany & Mona Fouad
Spain - Arab Ministries in Spain
We want to help the Arab migrants to know that Jesus and the Biblical teachings are answering their chief life questions, whether they are practical, social, psychological, or spiritual.We strive to discern the needs, struggles, and questions, of the Arab migrant community, whether they are practical, social, psychological, or spiritual. Then, we do our utmost to respond to them the same way Jesus Christ would do, and according to the biblical bases.