“Our children will also serve him. Future generations will hear about the wonders of
the Lord. His righteous acts will be told to those not yet born. They will hear about everything he has done.”
Psalm 22:30-31
Plan Your Visit
Safe Check-In
Family Worship
You will find our KidsPoint Check-In kiosk in the main lobby where a KidsPoint volunteer will be eagerly waiting to meet your family. Because we value your child’s safety we will need some information from you at this Check-In time.
After Check-In, your kids will join you in the sanctuary for worship. After worshipping through song, kids ages 4-4th grade will be dismissed to join their teachers in lobby. Kids will then go to the Kids Point wing for the remainder of the service. All of our volunteers have undergone a background check.
After Check-In, your kids will join you in the sanctuary for worship. After worshipping through song, kids ages 4-4th grade will be dismissed to join their teachers in lobby. Kids will then go to the Kids Point wing for the remainder of the service. All of our volunteers have undergone a background check.

What We Teach
We use Orange Curriculum. The team behind Orange is passionate about providing high quality resources that facilitate discipleship, equip for ministry, and spread a passion for the gospel and glory of Jesus Christ. "Each Orange Curriculum provides a teaching plan — we call it our scope and cycle — that prioritizes core insights and recycles them creatively for every phase of a kid’s life."